LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

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Gregory Benford & Larry Niven

Online N/A, Portland

Written by acclaimed, multi-award-winning authors, Gregory Benford (Timescape) and Larry Niven's (Ringworld), Glorious (Tor Books) concludes the Bowl of Heaven series praised by Booklist as "a solid adventure and entertaining speculation on the lives of alien creatures." In the journey that began with the New York Times bestseller, Bowl of Heaven and its sequel, Shipstar, audacious astronauts encounter bizarre, sometimes deadly life forms, and strange, exotic, cosmic phenomena, including miniature black holes, dense fields of interstellar plasma, powerful gravity-emitters, and spectacularly massive space-based, alien-built labyrinths. The alien civilization is far more advanced than our own, and difficult for our astronauts to comprehend. The astronauts must explore and document this brave, new, highly dangerous world, while also dealing with their own personal triumphs and conflicts —…
