LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Live on Crowdcast! Joshilyn Jackson, Mother May I, in conversation with Samantha Downing, For Your Own Good

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Live on Crowdcast! Joshilyn Jackson, Mother May I, in conversation with Samantha Downing, For Your Own Good IF YOU WANT TO ATTEND AND REQUIRE SHIPPING PLEASE EMAIL US AND WE'LL EXPLAIN THE PROCESS. ORDER AND PREORDER ON OUR WEBSITE NOW! MOTHER MAY I Revenge doesn't wait for permission. Growing up poor in rural Georgia, Bree Cabbat was warned that the world was a dark and scary place. Bree rejected that fearful outlook, and life has proved her right. Having married into a family with wealth, power, and connections, Bree now has all a woman could ever dream of. Until the day she awakens and sees someone peering into her bedroom window--an old gray-haired woman dressed all in black who vanishes as quickly as she appears.…


Karolina Waclawiak in Conversation With Vanessa Veselka

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Karolina Waclawiak’s breakout novel, Life Events (Picador), follows Evelyn, who, at 37, is on the verge of divorce and anxiously dreading the death of everyone she loves. She combats her existential crisis by avoiding her husband and aimlessly driving along the freeways of California looking for an escape — one that eventually comes when she discovers a collective of “exit guides.” Evelyn enrolls in their training course, where she learns to provide companionship and a final exit for terminally ill patients seeking a conscious departure. She meets Daphne, a dying woman still full of life; Lawrence, an aging porn king; and Daniel, who seems too young to die and whom Evelyn falls for, despite knowing better, not to mention the exit guide code. Each client…


Chuck Wendig in Conversation With Cassandra Khaw

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

A family returns to their hometown — and to the dark past that haunts them still — in The Book of Accidents (Del Rey), a new masterpiece of literary horror by Chuck Wendig, bestselling author of Wanderers. Long ago, Nathan Graves lived in a house in the country with his abusive father — and has never told his family what happened in that house. Long ago, Maddie Graves was a little girl making dolls in her bedroom when she saw something she shouldn’t — and is trying to remember that lost trauma by making haunting sculptures. Long ago, something sinister, something hungry, walked in the tunnels and the mountains and the coal mines of their hometown in rural Pennsylvania. Now Nate and Maddie are married,…


See Me. iAm. HEAR. Creative Activation of Youth Voices of Color

Madison Street Plaza 1219 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

IPRC is excited to partner with the City of Portland, I Am M.O.R.E, The, NAYA Many Nations Academy, and the Portland Art Museum for event that is a part of the City of Portland “Supporting Community Healing with Art” Initiative. Saturday, July 31st join us from 12-4 PM in Madison Street Plaza (1219 SW Park Avenue) for poetry, printmaking, DJs, Open Mic, and free ice cream.


Brian Evenson in Conversation With Matt Bell

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

A sentient, murderous prosthetic leg; shadowy creatures lurking behind a shimmering wall; brutal barrow men — of all the terrors that populate The Glassy, Burning Floor of Hell (Coffee House), perhaps the most alarming are the beings who decimated the habitable Earth: humans. In his new short story collection, Brian Evenson envisions a chilling future beyond the Anthropocene that forces excruciating decisions about survival and self-sacrifice in the face of toxic air and a natural world torn between revenge and regeneration. Combining psychological and ecological horror, each tale thrums with Evenson’s award-winning literary craftsmanship, dark humor, and thrilling suspense. Evenson will be joined in conversation by Matt Bell, author of Appleseed and In the House Upon the Dirt Between the Lake and the Woods. Register…


Convos in Cohort 3: THE GROWTH LINES by Gabby Hancher

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The third and final event in First Matter Press's Convos in Cohort series will feature Gabby Hancher, author of THE GROWTH LINES, forthcoming in September. Gabby will give a short reading and then discuss her work with fellow cohort members Jessica E. Pierce and Dan Wiencek. Audience Q & A will follow. Start time: 6:30 pacific Register here for Zoom access: Or watch live on our Facebook page. Previews of Hancher's work can be found on our YouTube channel:


PDX Playwrights: AN EVENING WITH OSCAR AND NOEL – by Thomas Mason and Craig Mason

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Two theater icons meet in the afterlife. Oscar Wilde and Noël Coward, one pilloried for being gay and the other the ultimate symbol of cool sophistication. Hear what they have to say on all manner of things, scandal, play writing, coming out. This one-act play is definitely not in hell, but maybe in heaven, maybe in purgatory. At 7 pm Pacific Time, please join us using this link: Meeting ID: 838 6073 0981 Passcode: 725789 One tap mobile +16699006833,,83860730981#,,,,*725789# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Find your local number: NOTE: When our readings are conducted as virtual sessions, readers usually have been pre-cast by the playwrights. Fellow writers, actors and listeners are warmly invited to participate…


Richard Zenith in Conversation With Patricio Ferrari

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Nearly a century after his wrenching death, the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) remains one of our most enigmatic writers. Believing he could do “more in dreams than Napoleon,” yet haunted by the specter of hereditary madness, Pessoa invented dozens of alter egos, or “heteronyms,” under whose names he wrote in Portuguese, English, and French. Unsurprisingly, this “most multifarious of writers” (Guardian) has long eluded a definitive biographer — but in renowned translator and Pessoa scholar Richard Zenith, he has met his match. Relatively unknown in his lifetime, Pessoa was all but destined for literary oblivion when the arc of his afterlife bent, suddenly and improbably, toward greatness, with the discovery of some 25,000 unpublished papers left in a large, wooden trunk. Drawing on this…


One Page Wednesday – August

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Here is an opportunity to share or listen to one page of work in progress from talented writers from everywhere. Come with a single page of work and sign up to read – or come to listen and prepare to be inspired! Hosted by Natalie Serber. This month’s featured reader is Mary Lou Buschi. Click here to register in advanced. You don’t need to live in Portland to participate. If you have questions, please contact Mary Lou Buschi’s second full-length collection, Paddock, was published through Lily Poetry Review Books, May 15, 2021. Mary Lou is the author of one earlier collection of poems, Awful Baby. She is also the author of three chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in many literary journals such as FIELD,…


Margot Wood in Conversation With Gayle Forman

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Some students enter their freshman year of college knowing exactly what they want to do with their lives. Elliot McHugh is not one of those people. But picking a major is the last thing on Elliot's mind when she's too busy experiencing all that college has to offer — from dancing all night at off-campus parties, to testing her RA Rose's patience, to making new friends, to having the best sex one can have on a twin-sized dorm room bed. But she may not be ready for the fallout when reality hits. When the sex she's having isn't that great. When finals creep up and smack her right in the face. Or when her roommate's boyfriend turns out to be the biggest a-hole. Elliot may…
