LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Tender Table: Sea Mason + Akoth Ombaka

Ori Gallery 4038 N Mississippi Ave, Portland

Please join us for an afternoon of stories and food by Sea Mason and Akoth Ombaka. This event has limited capacity and will not be ticketed. It will be first come first served with a 30 person max. Arriving early is encouraged. Tender Table is a storytelling platform for women, trans, and non-binary folks who are black, indigenous, or people of color. We seek out narratives about the sweet, savory, sour, and bitter relationships to food and its connections to identity, memory, and community. At Tender Table, all are welcome — expect to be immersed in stories, and sample delicious food prepared by the speakers. Tender Table provides compensation to all presenters- thank you in advance for your donations. We suggest a $0-$10 donation, with…

Free – $10



ROUGH DRAFT takes audiences behind the scenes - and possibly onto the stage - of a live storytelling show. We’ll take volunteers from the audience who have a story they'd like to tell, and together with our audience & panel of celebrity coaches we'll shape that story into a work of art. If you've always wanted to try storytelling, ROUGH DRAFT is the place to find supportive, positive, constructive feedback to give you the confidence to take it to the next level. If you're an old pro, ROUGH DRAFT is the place to hone that story you've been trying to get just right for a bigger stage. Mostly, though, ROUGH DRAFT is a great place to come for an evening of great stories. And because…


The Hour That Stretches: June 30, 2019

Ford Food and Drink 2505 SE 11th Ave, Portland

Kertoa Kalevala-based comparative mythologist and oral storyteller Ilana Hamilton returns to the Hour; along with founding supporter/author/gallery artist Justin Montgomery, and two fresh, seething Hour virgins... I mean newcomers... poet Josh Baker, and thrice-newcomer poet in the Hour tradition of many other beloved discoveries, Angela Douglass. Your MC will also be reading another chunk of I AM LESION, since you folks like those bits so much. This mutation has to do with Speed. And what happens when someone notices you sitting on an illness. And how incredible people turn a j-o-b into a j-o-y. 6/30/2019, 7-10 PM, 2505 SE 11th Ave, FORD FOOD AND DRINK. NOMINALLY ALL AGES SHOW, SAFE SPACE, BE MINDFUL. FREE BY DONATION, DONATIONS ENCOURAGED. Come help keep live spoken word alive…
