LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Sunday Parkways x IPRC: Virtual Summer Zine Workshop for Youth

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The IPRC is working with Sunday Parkways to make September a month of zine making for all of Portland! Each week will feature a different workshop facilitated by a local artist. We’ll be making a community zine called Portland’s Got Talent with submissions that will be printed and bound at the IPRC. Workshop Description: Let’s make a collaborative zine about summer! In this 45 minute virtual workshop facilitated by Marissa Perez, we will learn about zines, draw together, and start working on our zine pages. You can expect: self portraits, eyes-closed drawings, and art prompts! Bring paper and whatever kind of art materials you like to use! Open to youth ages 15 and under. Tune in live on the Sunday Parkways Facebook page. RSVP on…

Free – $20

Write Around Portland: Bi-Monthly BIPOC Online Writing Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

For people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC). 2nd & 4th Friday of every month from 4 to 5:30 pm, Free. Workshops are held via Zoom. Pre-registration is required. Registration opens the 1st of the month every month. Pre-register for our 2nd Friday workshop here. Pre-register for our 4th Friday workshop here. Click here for more workshop details.


Fall 2020: Writing No Matter What

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Walking the Path of Perseverance: Writing No Matter What The writing journey, exhilarating and wondrous as it is, can be punctuated with delays and disappointments. How do you keep writing through chaos or a stressful live event? If you are tired of not writing, and want to cultivate the “stick-to-it-ness” necessary for meeting your goals, this workshop is for you. Gleaning inspiration and guidance from writers like Annie Dillard and Julia Cameron, and mining the well of our own life experiences, this three-part workshop will help us identify the obstacles that keep us from writing, and provide tools to help us stay the course so we can keep writing, no matter what. Class level: This class is for serious writers who are ready to reclaim…


On Becoming 1 / Lost and Found / Tolentino

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Whitenoise Project presents a new BIPOC writing workshop: On Becoming, where we explore the state of becoming as a state of infinite potential and evolution, to contrast with the static essentialism of being. Becoming is a verb with a consistency all its own; it does not reduce to, or lead back to, "appearing," "being," "equaling," or producing."(Deleuze/Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 39). cost: FREE please register for zoom link and password: By popular demand, we are bringing back our first workshop for the full two hours this time instead of only one! On Becoming (1) Lost and Found: how we are lost in space and time. How we find ourselves. How becoming "lost and found" is a present participle, an ongoing act rather than a…


The Work Poetry Workshop: Monday Night Edition

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

NOTE: Due to restrictions aimed at keeping us safe from the COVID-19, The Work will continue as a remote workshop via Zoom. Please email Christopher Luna at by midnight the night before each workshop to RSVP if you would like to participate. Also, please share this event with others who might be interested. The cost for the workshop is a suggested donation of $20 to Christopher Luna’s PayPal account: “Suggested” means that we would like for you to join us regardless of whether or not you can afford it right now. Join us on the second and fourth Monday of every month for The Work. The Work is a drop-in poetry writing workshop for beginners as well as more experienced writers. Poetry encourages…

Free – $20

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Intro to Flash Nonfiction w Brian Benson

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Flash nonfiction, simply put, is true-to-life writing defined by extreme compression: it's saying what you've got to say using as few words, and as much beauty, as possible. An endlessly accessible, playful, potent form, flash nonfiction is evermore popular; from Brevity to Barren, The Forge to The Sun, legions of journals are eager to publish great flash. In this prompt-driven workshop, we'll read short nonfiction by master writers, including Ross Gay, Natalie Lima, Ira Sukrungruang, Roxane Gay, Jerald Walker, Ruth Ozeki, and many more; we'll talk about what stories are suited for flash, how to tell them well, and where to publish them; and most of all, we'll write, and write, and write, via in-class exercises and take-home prompts. Students will leave the class with reams of new writing and ideas for where to publish. Register for…

$215 – $242

FALL Online: Tell It True, Tell It Slant: Creative Nonfiction Workshop w Zahir Janmohamed

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Think of a label on a fine wine. If it is well written, it should describe the wine and invoke mood, emotion, and place. Great nonfiction, I believe, aspires to do this. It speaks about a narrow thing and also a much bigger thing. In this five-week course, we will study the various forms of nonfiction writing, with an emphasis on personal essay writing. Students will learn craft tips and get a chance to workshop their writing. My goal is to encourage students to try something new, be it satire or reportage or memoir. At the end of class, we will discuss the ins and outs of publishing and how to pitch stories to editors. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're…

$215 – $242

Fall 2020 online: Dear Liary: At the Outskirts of Genre

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This four-week workshop will consider the concept of “a liary” to explore the messy boundaries between fact and fiction, which takes its name from the idea that we might experiment with writing about our own life (as in a “diary”) using the tools of fiction (thus making it a “lie.”) What are the possibilities of using this as a starting technique, for both nonfiction and fiction writers? What other “truths” can be liberated when facts are off the hook? How do the ethics of lying change when you announce it as such? Looking to excerpts of “autofiction” texts (where, for example, a writer might create a fictional character with their real-life name) as well as essays that mine the very nature of memory and truth…


Fall 2020 Online: Writing the Non-Fiction Book Proposal

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Writing a book proposal is the best first step to writing a nonfiction book for both adults and young readers. An excellent proposal helps you organize your ideas, understand the competition, and can help you land a publishing contract even before you write the book. This six-week class will take you step-by-step through the major parts of the nonfiction book proposal: the query letter, overview, competitive analysis, marketing and promotion, author background, outline and sample chapter. Bring an idea, and be ready to write. The class includes extensive handouts and questionnaires to guide your work. Class outcomes: By the end of this six week workshop, students will leave with a rough draft of a nonfiction book proposal. More information: Download 10 Reasons to Write a…


Write Around Portland: Bi-Weekly Online Writing Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Writing is often thought of as something done in isolation; we know there is immense power when writing is done in community. Join us for 90 minutes of creativity and community-building, with generative writing exercises, sharing and strengths-based feedback. Our workshop model, refined over 21 years, is proven for people of all writing levels: from the budding writer to the published author. Workshops are held via Zoom. Weekly registration opens Mondays at noon and closes one hour before the workshop. Click here for more info. Wednesdays from 4 to 5:30 pm Sliding Scale Registration $5-$30. Register here. $0 registration available for past Write Around Portland participants at a social service agency and people experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus. Register here. Thursdays from 11 am to…

$5 – $30