LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Attic Institute: SUMMER Online: Summer Belief Workshop w Matthew Dickman | July 11 – Aug 29

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Often it seems that writing workshops are based on "disbelief". That is to say an assumption that there is something wrong with the work being brought in and it is the task of the workshop to fix it. But in this workshop the assumption will be that the work is here to be wondered about, explored, and believed in. We will be exploring how we write poems as much as we are looking critically at the work being shared. Come join me this summer semester and lets engage in each others work in a new way.  | Maximum: 12 students Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting it…

$344 – $370

Attic Institute: SUMMER Online: So You Wanna Be a Writer Workshop w Wayne Gregory | Aug 18 – Sep 15 SPOTS OPEN FOR NEW WRITERS

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” ~ E. L. Doctorow You have a thousand stories inside your head. You dabble on the page but rarely if ever finish anything, much less share with others. “Is my work good enough?” you wonder.  “Do I have something original and interesting to say? What makes me think I can be a writer?”  The biggest obstacle for emerging writers is not lack of time nor lack of skill nor lack of things to write about. It’s a lack of self-confidence. This workshop is designed for those who want to be writers, but are not sure they can be. …

$215 – $242

Submission Deadline: Attic Institute: Poets Studio 2021-2022

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Poets Studio is based on the idea that focusing on goals is the key to lasting growth as a poet. Poets Studio is a weekly workshop that will run from Sep - Mar for 24 weeks. It is designed to give form and focus to your poetry writing. The Poets Studio is open to applications from all poets. Poets join the Poets Studio as members and attend for the entire session. This creates the Poets Studio's special experience: a steady, supportive, and comprehensive study of your poetry among other poets. Read more about the Poets Studio. Deadline to apply is Sep 1 To Apply: Please send ten (10) pages of poems and a 250 words "Statement of Goals" to the Attic Institute. APPLY NOW NOTE: To protect everyone during the…


Attic Institute: FALL Online: The Music of Language for Prose Writers w Joanna Rose

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Your sentences have music that can evoke emotion in ways that support and inform your story or essay. Meter, rhythm, word length, sentence length, consonants and vowels, juxtaposition -  they’re not just for poets!  Grammar has its own music as well. In this class we’ll explore the emotional possibilities of sound & meaning using published texts as well as the work of participants, who will be asked to submit 2 pages per week.. Come prepared to be surprised at what your writing can do. | Maximum: 10 writers Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting it up is easy. And we can help you with questions,…

$215 – $242

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Prose Poetry or Creative Nonfiction? A Generative Writing Workshop w Ruben Quesada

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

A first-person perspective. A description. A moment. A feeling. A monologue. Maximum | 10 writers "Thank you Ruben Quesada for an incredible class. It was full of fascinating information and the prompts Ruben gave us inspired my generative work (and from the other poets, you could tell it was the same for them)! Ruben also cultivated a space of openness and sharing that was truly remarkable for such a short class. He is a fantastic addition to the Attic, and I sincerely hope to take classes with him in the future. I most definitely would be interested to continue learning from and writing with Ruben." ~ Emma Nelson, student Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All…

$65 – $83

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Introduction to Flash Nonfiction w Brian Benson

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Flash nonfiction, simply put, is true-to-life writing defined by extreme compression: it's saying what you've got to say using as few words, and as much beauty, as possible. An endlessly accessible, playful, potent form, flash nonfiction is evermore popular; from Brevity to Barren, The Forge to The Sun, legions of journals are eager to publish great flash. In this prompt-driven workshop, we'll read short nonfiction by master writers, including Ross Gay, Natalie Lima, Ira Sukrungruang, Roxane Gay, Jerald Walker, Ruth Ozeki, and many more; we'll talk about what stories are suited for flash, how to tell them well, and where to publish them; and most of all, we'll write, and write, and write, via in-class exercises and take-home prompts. Students will leave the class with reams of new writing and ideas for where to publish. Register for…

$215 – $242

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Monthly Poetry Gathering and Workshop w John Morrison

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

"If I write, the dark shadows move away from my desk". ~ Donald Murray Here’s a workshop that can flow with the longer rhythms of your writing. A Saturday morning of each month, we’ll gather and share one or two poems in a comfortable but focused fashion. You choose the poem to share based on what feedback you are looking for; the poems could range from one you want ready to submit for publication, to an experimental piece that needs a supportive but critical eye. Along the way we’ll talk about craft and how to grow and sustain a fulfilling practice.  Come ready to share your poems and insights and to carry generous feedback home to your writing desk. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect…

$215 – $242

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Other Inspirations Poetry Workshop w Matthew Dickman

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

In this class we will be exploring Ekphrastic Poetry and looking to painting, photography and music as our inspiration. Can ekphrastic poetry be more than a reflection or comment on a piece of art? Can it be more than a beautiful description of another piece of art? We will find out together through looking at the paintings, photographs, and music that has inspired great poems-- as well as writing our own. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting it up is easy. And we can help you with questions, if needed. For each class, you'll receive a Zoom "invitation," from the instructor. Click the link...follow the simple…

$215 – $242

Attic Institute: FALL Online: Telling Stories: How to Write Fiction Workshop w Wayne Gregory

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“Fiction was invented the day Jonah arrived home and told his wife that he was three days late because he had been swallowed by a whale.” — Gabriel García Márquez As soon as humans could speak, they gathered around the fire to tell stories. We’ve been doing it ever since.  We love to tell stories and to hear them because they have the power to change us. But how to take that story in your head and craft it into a fictional form that will grab and hold your readers? This class will show you!  You will learn about some of the basic elements of fiction (plot, character development, point of view, narration/scene) and you will gain strategies to bring all these elements together into well-crafted writing. Whether you are interested in…

$215 – $242

Attic Institute: FALL Online: A Writer’s Toolkit: How to Get Started As A Writer Workshop w Wayne Gregory

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.” ~ Pablo Picasso You have a story to tell, but you’re not sure how to get started. The Writer’s Toolkit is the class for you.  In this workshop, you will discover how to transform your ideas from imagination to a cohesive and compelling story that engages readers and keeps them turning the pages for more. You will learn some of the basic conventions for good writing that successful writers use: how to develop plot, how to create compelling characters, how to build dynamic scenes, and how to show rather than tell. You will learn by doing and will take away a wealth of writing tools and resources to keep honing your…

$215 – $242