LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Fridays on the Boulevard

Attic Institute 4232 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR, United States

From Fridays on the Boulevard's website: Share the words. Listen and respond to fellow writers. Build community. First Fridays of the month (except summer). 7-9pm. At the Attic Institute, 4232 SE Hawthorne. Bring your own genre. How It Works: Interested readers place their name in a hat when they arrive. If you’ve had the opportunity to read at a recent Fridays on the Boulevard event, your name will be placed on an alternates list so we can encourage as many new readers as possible. Our reading order is selected promptly at 7 p.m., so please arrive early to place your name in the hat. We will have time for at least eight readers, with additional names pulled as time allows. Each reader has seven minutes…


SUMMER Online: Micro Memoir Workshop II w Matthew Dickman | July 12 – Aug 9 FULL — WAIT LIST ONLY

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The smallest moment can profoundly change your life, a smell briefly caught on a walk can send you back in time, objects hold whole multi-histories and as the writer Jay Ponteri says "memories nest inside other memories". In this 5 week class we will be exploring memory and the tools of the memoir genre to write our own "Micro-Memoirs". These will be 1-5 page prose pieces. We will also be reading a lot of outside examples of this and writing together in class. This class is open to all writers, whether you identify as a poet, fiction, or creative non-fiction writer. Whoever you are let's all explore together! | Maximum: 12 writers NOTE: Writers may take this class without having previously taken Micro Memoir I. Register for this…

$215 – $242

SUMMER Online: Poets Studio Summer Sessions | July 13 – Aug 31

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Apps due July 8 One of the things I feel Poets Studio participants, regardless of experience and skill, can benefit from, is an extended concentration on only a few pieces over a couple months. That’s my goal for the Summer Sessions, which would progress as follows: Sessions 1-3: Making. We’ll start from scratch on a few poems, developing strategies of imagination, research, trial and error, and writing several “test” drafts over several weeks. Sessions 4-6: Noticing. Here we’ll begin to be attentive to what might be possible with various drafts of poems, in the writing process — noticing what they are doing and not doing, what they are implying and avoiding, and what they are potentially able to become, and what they can’t ever become…

$505 – $535

SUMMER/FALL Online: The Life of a Story Workshop w Joanna Rose | Aug 1 – Oct 3

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as if they had never happened before - Willa Cather, in O Pioneers Learn ways to build a story of any length by looking at the timeless elements of myth and the structure of the archetypal journey as they appear in literature and film. Open to writers at any stage of their writing. We’ll look at ways to develop characters with consequence and stories with shape. There will be assignments that can reflect work in progress or brand new writing done just for the workshop. | Maximum: 12 writers | No class Sep 5 Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the Covid-19 pandemic, we're offering this course via Zoom.…

$430 – $469

SUMMER Online: What My Stomach Says: Food Writing Workshop w Zahir Janmohamed | Aug 8

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

If you did a scan of my brain, food would probably occupy at least 70% of my thoughts. And for good reason: food is an incredible vehicle to speak about pleasure, pain, history, family, nostalgia, place, race, gender, class, sexuality, colonialism—you name it. In this generative class, students will be asked to think about a dish that they love. It could be savory or sweet. They will then write the opening of an essay about this dish as well as the recipe for this very dish. We will then conclude the class by discussing ways to get this piece published. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting…

$65 – $83

Attic Institute: APPS DUE: MAR 21: Poets Studio Spring Sessions | Apr 5 – June 14

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

One of the things I feel Poets Studio participants, regardless of experience and skill, can benefit from, is an extended concentration on only a few pieces over a couple months. The theme for the Spring Sessions will be "Devotions." We'll focus on poems written "to" -- whether they're epistolary explicitly or dedicatiory. With a singular audience in place, Spring Sessions will progress as follows: Sessions 1-3: Making. We’ll start from scratch on a few poems, developing strategies of imagination, research, trial and error, and writing several “test” drafts over several weeks. Sessions 4-7: Noticing. Here we’ll begin to be attentive to what might be possible with various drafts of poems, in the writing process — noticing what they are doing and not doing, what they are…

$562 – $595

Attic Institute: APPS DUE: MAR 28: Creative Nonfiction (CNF) Studio | Apr 15 – June 24

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Write what you know you want to know The Creative Nonfiction (CNF) Studio is based on the idea that inspiration, accountability, and community are essential to every writer’s growth. The CNF Studio meets weekly for multi-month sessions, and its curriculum is designed to help you deepen your writing through a keener understanding of both literary craft and your own voice. The CNF Studio is open to applications from all writers, and members often return for multiple sessions. This creates the Studio’s special experience: a consistent, deep, and supportive study of your writing in the company of other writers. Each weekly session includes a close-reading and discussion of a selected work of creative nonfiction, a roundtable reading of take-home prompts, and in-depth critique of several works-in-progress. Over…

$592 – $610

Attic Institute: SPRING Online: Generative Poetry Workshop: Four Temperaments w Ruben Quesada

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This one-day generative poetry class is an introduction to help you write and examine your own work for revision. Using the four elements of Story, Structure, Music, and Imagination, poets will identify and attempt to balance these elements in their own work. We will use Gregory Orr’s essay “The Four Temperaments and the Forms of Poetry” to examine and revise our own poetry. Prompts will be provided to encourage you to explore and deepen your understanding of each temperament. Reading: Gregory Orr, “The Four Temperaments and the Forms of Poetry." Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting it up is easy. And we can help you with questions,…

$45 – $64

Attic Institute: SPRING Online: Art of Personal Essay and Memoir w Lee Montgomery

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Personal Essays and memoir represent some of the most adventurous writing today. Pushing narrative boundaries, utilizing traditional and nontraditional forms, this type of writing explores individuality and the minutiae of life unlike any other form. This workshop will help students explore the world of memoir and personal essay writing and understand both traditional and nontraditional narrative strategies available to them. Though the class will be run as a classic workshop, where students will submit their work to be reviewed in class, it will also combine craft lectures, outside reading, and in-class exercises. Students are expected to workshop twice. This will include their original essay submitted to class plus a revision. | Maximum: 12 writers Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering…

$538 – $569

Attic Institute: SPRING Online: Story Building Workshop w Joanna Rose

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Stories have component parts, and they interact. Starting with the basic building block of scene we’ll start with character and move step by step through the micro-levels of sentences, concrete detail, cause and effect, narration, and structure. Each week includes a close read of an excerpt of a published work and a discussion of specific craft elements. Participants will be invited to turn in work each week and can expect to develop a language of non-judgmental critique that will lead to a supportive, in-depth conversation about each other’s work. We’ll look deeply into what it takes to build a prose narrative, real or imagined, long or short. | Maximum: 12 writers Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom.…

$430 – $458