LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

October Virtual Collage Night

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for Virtual Collage Night on the 1st Sunday of the month, 5-6pm. The first 40 mins or so will be open collage with occasional prompts, followed by a show & tell. Register here and we’ll send a zoom link the day of the event.


APPS DUE: SEP 18: Poets Studio 2022-2023 | Oct 3 – May 29

Attic Institute 4232 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR, United States

Poets Studio is based on the idea that focusing on goals is the key to lasting growth as a poet. Poets Studio is a weekly workshop that will run from Sep - May for 30 weeks. It is designed to give form and focus to your poetry writing. The Poets Studio is open to applications from all poets. Poets join the Poets Studio as members and attend for the entire session. This creates the Poets Studio's special experience: a steady, supportive, and comprehensive study of your poetry among other poets. Read more about the Poets Studio. Deadline to apply is Sep 18, 2022 To Apply: Please send ten (10) pages of poems and a 250 words "Statement of Goals" to the Attic Institute. All students must show proof of Covid-19 vaccination. …

$1860 – $1930

If It’s Not One Thing It’s Your Mother: Preparing Nonfiction for Submission w/ Melissa Chadburn—begins October 4th

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

If It's Not One Thing It's Your Mother, Preparing Nonfiction for Submission with Melissa Chadburn The goal of this workshop is to help creative nonfiction writers prepare their work for submission in an inclusive, supportive environment. Classes include reading assignments where we will explore various essay structures, and some short in-class writing assignments to allow writers to discuss and engage other craft techniques. Each writer will workshop one essay, hybrid, or longform piece anywhere from 1200-4500 words, (already in progress). This generative lab is meant to be a supportive environment for writers to actualize the intentions for their piece. Lab Leader: Melissa Chadburn When: October 4th and runs for 4 weeks Where: Zoom and WetInk, our rich, interactive, online platform. Melissa will host a Zoom…


Speaking Beyond the Self in Poetry

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“Your experience is not yours alone, but in some sense a metaphor for everyone’s.” -Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux, The Poet’s Companion What we know in our personal worlds contain essential truths of the larger world. The challenge we face as poets is how to transform our lived experiences–creatively and imaginatively–into art that can be universal. In this 8-week workshop, you’ll learn how to approach real and often fraught experiences in ways that will reach your readers’ hearts and minds. We’ll support each other through the courageous act of writing, while focusing on craft to shape our experiences into a language that resonates with others. In addition to workshopping personal poems, we’ll look at examples of contemporary poets who write about their lives in fresh,…


Trivia Night

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland, OR, United States

Trivia is conducted hybrid online and in person. Join us at the bar or join us through Zoom. This is one of our most popular events. Come early to make sure you get a table, and come early so that you can order food and drinks and get settled in time. It is also important to come up with a clever team name. If you come as a single person or a pair and are looking to make new friends, let us know and we will place you with welcoming regulars, or we might place you with other new folks. Trivia night is a great way to make new friends, and they will be sure to be good people since Publiners are quality folks. The…


Coffee Talk #39

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Come hear 5 wonderful writers read their grief words. This zoom event lasts about an hour and is guaranteed to be the best heart medicine. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 845 9616 1664 Passcode: 395080


PUBLISHING: Literary Agent Rayhané Sanders—Seminar + Consultations—Oct 7th-9th

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

We have the great privilege of hosting Rayhané Sanders, literary agent at Massie and McQuilkin, for a 90-minute webinar on Publishing (with ample opportunity for Q&A) on Saturday October 8th, 2022, from 11:00AM to 12:30PM Pacific. Yes, Rayhané represents our very own Lidia Yuknavitch.) In addition to the seminar, Ms. Sanders is taking on twenty private manuscript consultations. Over the course of a 20-minute meeting, she will give you feedback from an agent’s point of view on the first 25 pages of your manuscript, submitted ahead of time. (Please note, Ms. Sanders comes from New York publishing, and is very encouraging but also very direct!) The deadline for submitting your 25 pages will be September 15th, and you’ll be provided with specific formatting guidelines. Consultations will…

$150 – $375

Poetry Reading and Open Mic

Milwaukie Floral and Garden 3306 SE Lake Rd, Milwaukie, OR, United States

Open Mic and Poetry Reading at Milwaukie Floral & Garden. Co-sponsored by the Milwaukie Poetry Series and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Our Featured Readers are Christopher Luna, former poet Laureate of Vancouver, WA, and poets from the Ghost Town Poetry Group. They will be reading their own work or their favorite poets for about 35 minutes. There may be additional Featured Readers. The reading will be followed by an Open Mic. The Open Mic will follow their reading. Email Tom Hogan at (link sends e-mail) to register. Registration includes link to watch and listen on Zoom. Plan to read 1 or 2 poems depending on the number of participants and length of the poems. If time permits additional poems will be allowed. The event will be recorded and available for viewing on…


APPS DUE: SEP 25: Fiction Studio: Novel Intensive | Oct 8 – Apr 15

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

25 Weeks to Focus on Your Novel Fiction Studio is based on the idea that inspiration, accountability, and community are essential to every novelist’s growth. Fiction Studio meets weekly for half the year, and its curriculum is designed to help you deepen your writing through a keener understanding of both literary craft and your own voice. Fiction Studio is open to applications from all writers (see application information below). This creates the Studio’s special "novel intensive" experience: a consistent, deep, and supportive study of your writing in the company of other writers. Learn more about applying to the Fiction Studio To Apply: To apply to join the next Fiction Studio, please send a writing sample of up to 3,500 words and a 250-word statement of purpose. APPLICATIONS DUE: Sep 25, 2022. NOTE: This…

$1345 – $1395

Cultivating a Sustainable Writing Practice

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This workshop is offered via Zoom PST Register here Cultivating a Sustainable Writing Practice Our practice—how we labor as writers—is highly personal. When we create a writing habit, it helps to consider our individual creative processes, life priorities, writing goals, and all the ways that we get in the way of our own writing. How we labor is also bound up in cultural notions of productivity and success that can often kill the creative drive. It can be hard to consistently carve out time in order to cultivate the type of patient, inner stillness required to write, but it is possible. Necessary, even. In this supportive workshop, we will talk about how to design a sustainable writing practice that aligns with your creative process, priorities…

$15 – $75