LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Transmit Culture: Marketing to Digital Communities

Portland State University - Karl Miller Center 615 SW Harrison St, Portland, OR, United States

Young adult sci-fi and fantasy genres are serving as a disrupter in the publishing industry, especially in the field of marketing. From BookTube, to Bookstagram, to Tumblr and beyond, the line of communication between publisher and authentic, fan-cultivated communities is rapidly evolving. These genre-based communities are at the forefront of using digital platforms to spread media about their passion: books. Conversation topics will include fan culture, reader cultivation of interactive communities, and the marketing of applicable titles in an evolving digital sphere. Our panelists include award-winning author Emily Suvada (This Mortal Coil and This Cruel Design), prominent Instagrammer Sara Grundell (@novel.novice), and Margot Wood, Epic Reads BookTuber and director of sales at Oni Press. The panel will be moderated by Joanna Szabo — an editor…


Transmit Culture: Modern Feminism in Publishing

PSU - Cramer Hall 1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

Modern feminism plays a vital role in today's high-stakes political climate. Reproductive rights, sexual harassment and assault, wage inequality, gender identification, and inclusivity are only a few of the topics that have been frequented in recent political discussions. With movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp shaking up conversations about women in America, this installment in the Transmit Culture lecture series will be a panel of women in publishing discussing the intersection between modern feminism and book publishing. The panel features Leni Zumas (Red Clocks), Samm Saxby, and Jackie Shannon Hollis (This Particular Happiness). Note this will be held in room 328 in Cramer Hall.


Transmit Culture: Graduate Research Symposium

PSU - University Point 1955 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

Graduate students in PSU's book publishing program are conducting innovative research that is sure to help inform the future of the publishing industry, and they would like to share it with you. This quarter's installment of the Transmit Culture lecture series will be a research symposium where graduating students will present their final research projects to the public. Topics include: - Visual representation of racial diversity in young adult book covers - Why adults read and purchase YA books - Advantages of publishing houses choosing non-profit business models - The rise of the cozy mystery genre in relation to bestselling thrillers - How small publishers break into the audiobooks market using APA and best seller list data - How Wattpad can be used in traditional…


Empowering Yourself and Others in Publishing: A Transmit Culture Event

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Paths to publishing careers are so varied that it's impossible to say there is a "traditional" path. In this Winter 2021 installment of the Transmit Culture event series, members from our Advisory Board will be talking about how to empower yourself and others in publishing, sharing their career paths and challenges, mentorship opportunities, and offering advice for others wanting to enter the publishing industry. Featuring: -Leah Altman - Developmental Manager of Native Arts & Cultures Foundation -Seth Dellon - Director of Strategic Development at Publishers Weekly -Michele Cobb - Forte Business Consulting, PubWest, and Audio Publishers Association -Brian O'Leary - Executive Director of the Book Industry Study Group -DongWon Song - Literary Agent at Howard Morhaim Literary We hope to see you on Wednesday, February…
