LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Shapeshifting: Creating Authentic Characters with Randall Jahnson

Online N/A, Portland

Meets Tues/Thurs 11am-12:30pm | Aug 11, Aug 13, Aug 18, Aug 20 To create believable characters, all successful artists, writers, directors, animators, and performers employ a unique ability that allows them to crawl into someone else’s skin, inhabit it, and express what it’s like to be that individual. We call this “shapeshifting.” This workshop will focus on how to use shapeshifting to make characters come alive in any medium. First, you will create a mindset, complete with complexity and a range of traits and emotions. Next, you’ll conjure a physical form, an appearance, a look. Then you’ll build an environment for your character, followed by the world itself, and the context for a story. Choose from writing and sketching to photography and film to render…


Corporeal Writing: Young Mammals Zine Collaborative with Katie Guinn

Online N/A, Portland

WHAT: A three-week online workshop for young mammals ages 13+ (TEENAGERS). WITH: Katie Collins-Guinn WHEN: August 11th- August 25th—we will meet on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1:30pm WHERE: ZOOM! (But of course.) Meeting ID will be provided each morning of meet days. HOW MUCH: $100, with a capacity of twelve writers/artists. Payment plans are available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: Click here to apply. One seat available to a mammal whose financial situation has been directly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis. Making art is a vital way to survive. Sometimes we need a little help accessing our inspirations and motivations—working collectively has a powerful way of conjuring that. Memory is a prominent part of our present lives. As we move through time our memories…


Casper ter Kuile in Conversation With Nadia Bolz-Weber

Online N/A, Portland

Casper ter Kuile, a Harvard Divinity School fellow and cohost of the popular Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast, explores how we can nourish our souls by transforming common, everyday practices — yoga, reading, walking the dog — into sacred rituals that can heal our crisis of social isolation and struggle to find purpose. We are in crisis today. Our modern technological society has left too many of us — no matter our ages — feeling isolated and bereft of purpose. Previous frameworks for building community and finding meaning no longer support us. Yet ter Kuile reveals a hopeful new message: we might not be religious, but that doesn’t mean we are any less spiritual. In The Power of Ritual (HarperOne), ter Kuile invites…


Sci-Fi Book Club (Remote)

Online N/A, Portland

The Books Around the Corner Science Fiction/Fantasy Book Club meets monthly on the second Tuesday of every month at 6PM. We would like to extend an invitation to all of our science fiction and fantasy loving customers (RSVP is not required). It will alternate monthly between Science Fiction and Fantasy. Our book discussions aim to bring people together to talk about books in a safe and inviting atmosphere. Our meetings are lovely and inclusive; we invite you to attend. Come and enjoy a lively discussion about the chosen book with other readers. Join us Tuesday August 11th for our Books Around the Corner Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club. August will be a Sci-Fi Pick. We will discuss Devolution by Max Brooks. About the Book: The #1 bestselling…
