LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Sunday Parkways x IPRC: Group Work Session

Online N/A, Portland

The IPRC is working with Sunday Parkways to make September a month of zine making for all of Portland! Each week will feature a different workshop facilitated by a local artist. We’ll be making a community zine called Portland’s Got Talent with submissions that will be printed and bound at the IPRC. Description: Work on finishing your zine in a group setting! Swap tips, talk about themes, get other people’s opinions on pieces of your zine, find inspiration from other people’s work, so many possibilities! This is an open time to make and be together (virtually). *Zoom link coming soon! You can also watch the workshop on Sunday Parkways Facebook livestream. RSVP here. *Suggested $20 donation for the workshop includes a finished copy of the…

Free – $20

The Work Poetry Workshop: Monday Night Edition

Online N/A, Portland

NOTE: Due to restrictions aimed at keeping us safe from the COVID-19, The Work will continue as a remote workshop via Zoom. Please email Christopher Luna at by midnight the night before each workshop to RSVP if you would like to participate. Also, please share this event with others who might be interested. The cost for the workshop is a suggested donation of $20 to Christopher Luna’s PayPal account: “Suggested” means that we would like for you to join us regardless of whether or not you can afford it right now. Join us on the second and fourth Monday of every month for The Work. The Work is a drop-in poetry writing workshop for beginners as well as more experienced writers. Poetry encourages…

Free – $20

Livestream Reading: Nancy Lane: Pretty Chrysanthemum and Other Stories

Online N/A, Portland

Annie Bloom's welcomes Oregon author Nancy Lane for a livestream reading from her new collection, Pretty Chrysanthemum and Other Stories. Join here: Signed copies will be available shortly after the event. If you would like a personalized signature, please leave a comment when ordering. These sixteen stories remind readers how family is at the core of human experience and how relationships, especially those between parent and child, rely on the power of love to overcome challenges. Five stories feature historical content from 1897 through 1971. Eleven contemporary stories pose challenging situations. Throughout these tales, the pull of family, the power of love, and unshakeable human decency prevail.


An Appointment with Emily and Your Chair: Free Writing Session

Online N/A, Portland

Writing, even on a good day, is hard. So how do we do it on the not-good days, on the days when it feels like the world is upside-down? “Butt in chair” is the simple answer. We make ourselves sit down, and we don’t get up until we’ve gotten a few sentences down at the very least. But sometimes it feels impossible to even get to the chair. We’d honestly rather throw the chair out the window than sit in it. But what if we made an appointment with the chair? And we knew that other interesting people were doing it too, at the exact same time? This free Zoom meeting is that appointment. We’ll say hello, and then we’ll work from a writing prompt.…
