LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Alyssa Milano in Conversation With Charlotte Clymer / Ticketed Event

Online N/A, Portland

Sorry Not Sorry (Dutton) is Alyssa Milano’s sharply observed, uproarious, and deeply intimate ode to the life she has lived and the issues that matter most. In her new book, the actress and activist delivers a collection of powerful personal essays that get to the heart of her life, career, and all-out humanitarianism. Milano’s essays are unvarnished and elegant, funny and heartbreaking, and utterly real. A timely book that shows in almost real time the importance of taking care of others, it also gives a gut-punch-level wake-up call in an era where the noise is a distraction from what really needs to happen, if we want to live in a better world. These are stories of growing up in celebrity, of family and of friends,…


Foul Play Nordic Style: Scandinavian Crime Fiction

Nordic Northwest 8800 SW Oleson Rd, Portland

Join us for an eight-week workshop focusing on Nordic crime films and novels. Tom Birnie, instructor in Scandinavian Studies at Portland State University, is back to lead this one-of-a-kind course, in which we will learn about, discuss and savor several films and books from the northernmost reaches of Europe. Nordic crime novels and films have attained an extraordinary international presence over the past three decades. Frequently addressing social issues, these allied genres investigate the troubling shadows lurking in what may at first glance be a perfect set of Scandinavian welfare states, where nothing can go wrong. Through examinations of corruption, exploitation, inequity and crooked politics, the reader/viewer is treated to superb studies of human character. About the Instructor: Thomas Birnie holds a Ph.D. in German…

$100 – $150

Oregon Jewish Voices 2021

Online N/A, Portland

Started in 1999, and organized by writer Willa Schneberg, this annual event features readings by prominent Oregon Jewish poets and writers. The writers in the 2021 program, who span a range of genres including fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and essays, will share selections from their work in a virtual reading on Zoom.  Register here Donate Today We are grateful for your participation and encourage you to consider supporting our virtual programs. Speakers for 2021 Poet Joan Dobbie was born in Trogen, Switzerland of refugee parents, and grew up in a small town in Northern New York. She teaches Hatha Yoga at University of Oregon, from which she holds an MFA in Creative Writing. Despite her many small press publications, several chapbooks, and two full length poetry…
